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The Tony Elumelu Foundation

The Tony Elumelu Foundation is the leading philanthropy empowering a new generation of African entrepreneurs, driving poverty eradication, catalysing job creation across all 54 African countries, and increasing women economic empowerment. Since the launch of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme in 2015, the Foundation has trained over 1.5 million young Africans on its digital hub, TEFConnect, and disbursed nearly USD$100 million in direct funding to 18,000 African women and men, who have collectively created over 400,000 direct and indirect jobs. <mark>The Foundation’s mission is rooted in Africapitalism, which positions the private sector, and most importantly entrepreneurs, as the catalyst for the social and economic development of the African continent.</mark> <p></p> The Foundation’s ability to fund, train, mentor, and network young African entrepreneurs, has created a unique platform for catalysing growth across the African continent. <mark>The robust ability of the Foundation to reach entrepreneurs across geographies and sectors, has enabled it to conduct innovative partnerships</mark> with the European Union,United Nations Development Programme, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the United States Government via the United States African Development Foundation (USADF), The Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), The French Development Agency (AFD), The German Development Finance Institution (DEG), The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), The African Development Bank (AfDB), and Google, with bespoke programmes including targeting female empowerment and growth in fragile states.

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Nahdet El Mahrousa

NM’s incubator is the region’s first incubator for early-stage innovative social enterprises. Despite having started as an early-stage support platform, it has grown to support social entrepreneurs from the idea stage all the way to the growth and scale-up phases. <p></p> <mark> Clean & Green <br> Renewable energy, waste management, water management, food production, and agribusiness sectors <p></p>Creative Industries <br> Handicrafts and performing arts sectors. <p></p>Tech for Social <br> Startups leveraging technology to create social impact across sectors. <p></p>Wild Cards <br> Promising social enterprises from all sectors that are daring, innovative, and scalable. </mark>

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Government of Uganda designed the National ICT Initiatives Support Programme to facilitate the creation of an ICT Innovation ecosystem and marketplace for Ugandan innovative digital products <p></p> The growth of the ICT innovation ecosystem in Uganda has mainly been private sector led with minimal direct support from government. Unfortunately, this approach has not been very successful and it has created standalone and closed software applications that have not promoted innovation at a national level. The NIISP(National ICT Initiatives Support Programme) will tackle bottlenecks to creating a digital ecosystem by promoting the development and deployment of applications to create an open ecosystem in Uganda that shall enable the government, companies and individuals to innovate and reach new markets. <p></p> The program shall: <mark> <br> - Encourage innovation by providing opportunities to create applications to support service delivery; <br> - Generate highly skilled jobs and wealth for individuals and companies that create applications for both government and the private sector; and <br> - Improve the use of government data for ICT innovation and application development. <mark> <p></p> The NIISP shall champion the creation of the ICT Innovation ecosystem to facilitate the growth and development of the software applications and innovations industry. The NIISP will focus on encouraging the creation of easy to consume and highly marketable digital products. The Specific Objectives for this programme are: <mark> <br> - To provide systematic and sustainable support to national ICT innovators <br> - To promote ICT products, services and solutions for improved service delivery as part of a wider digital ecosystem. <br> - To establish and operationalize ICT innovation parks. <br> - To promote local electronics manufacturing and assembly. </mark>

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IEC - Sudan

IEC(Innovation & Entrepreneurship Community) is a national youth-driven NGO initiated in 2013, with the mission off activate the entrepreneurial activity among Sudanese youth, through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community. <p></p> IECs goal is to <mark>build a vibrant startup community through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities</mark> and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community <p></p> OUR VISION<br> We envision a world class community driven by innovation, where our role is to support the entrepreneurial activity in Sudan with all the resources that is or will be available to us through regular researches in the field, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities to the Sudanese youth. <p></p> OUR MISSION<br> IEC works on inspiring, empowering and supporting the entrepreneurial system in Sudan by <mark>offering opportunities and mentorship, building local and international partnerships, creating supportive programs and projects and cooperating with relevant government authorities to develop policies to contribute on supporting the Sudanese economy.</mark>

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Propella is one of the first business hubs in South Africa to be fully geared for Business 4.0. Exciting new IT and advanced manufacturing businesses share the same building to encourage cooperation between innovators in both sectors. <p></p> Support for the development of technologies for Smart Cities come through a partnership between Engeli Enterprise Development (EDD), a private sector business support company and Innovolve, the wholly owned commercialization company of Nelson Mandela University (NMU). <p></p> Propella helps commercialize the research and development being conducted at the NMU, as well as other technology entrepreneurs who either approach Propella for support or who are identified by Propella. <p></p> Prospective incubatees go through a rigorous selection process to qualify for access to the Propella and its support services. <p></p> Once they are selected Propella facilitators assist with mentoring and the evaluation of business concepts. <p></p> Our Vision <br> To be the "Go To", High-Tech Incubator and Accelerator for innovators and ventures delivering Smart City Solutions and Industry 4.0 Technologies. <p></p>Our mission <br> To provide a significant entrepreneurial experience and presence in Nelson Mandela Bay where innovation and technology convergence is facilitated to create sustainable and profitable ventures, through exceptional management, leadership & infrastructure in specific sectors. <p></p>Our goal <br> To be the first choice for the commercialization of smart products and services in our targeted sectors. <p></p>Values <br> Innovation.Success.Fun <p></p> 1. Pre-incubation support (Restricted to ICT) <br> <mark>All successful businesses and innovations start with an idea. Propella helps to ignite the ideas to become actions through its pre-incubation support for innovators who have a concept with potential, but need guidance on the first steps to commercialisation.</mark> <p></p> Propella doors are open to inventors or entrepreneurs who are in that all-important and delicate concept stage – the one where there is an idea but no plan. <p></p> Propella's doors are open to inventors or entrepreneurs who are in that all-important and delicate concept stage – the one where there is an idea but no plan. <br>- Desktop feasibility study of the proposed business idea <br>- Market assessment, feasibility planning and business planning <br> - Entrepreneurial assessment and feedback session <br>- Counselling and pre-incubation business advice <br>- Specific business start-up training to support the fledgling enterprise <br>- Coaching to guide them through proof of concept and business model canvas Entrepreneurs will be ready for selection for the next phase if they have: <br> - Completed the business model canvas <p></p> 2. Incubation Services <br> <mark>Propella measures its success by the number of companies which have been commercialized – in other words, they have left the building as sustainable businesses with both a product and a market. </mark> Of course, when pioneering new products, processes and businesses, not all incubatees make it to market. That failure is analyzed to ensure that the lessons learned contribute to the success of another new venture. By the way, we also celebrate failure, since it’s part of a successful journey. Look out for our FUN2FAIL events. <p></p> Propella provides four types of support: <br> - Technology and/or technology platform development - prototyping testing and preparation for scale <br> - Business Support – Guidance to establish and run a business <br> - Customer – Customer insights and access to markets within the growing Propella network <br> - Entrepreneur - Working on growing entrepreneurial ability in order to grow the business. <p></p> Business toolbox <br> Engeli Enterprise Development, which manages Propella, has developed a range of entrepreneurial, business and technology tools for the various facets of the incubation/acceleration stages. These have been customized for Propella. <p></p> Entrepreneurs accepted by Propella sign a development contract based on an assessment of the company using the diagnostic tools. The contract includes development milestones and commitments from the entrepreneur, as well as the anticipated date on which the enterprise will move into its own premises – making space for the next potentially disruptive new business. <p></p> 3. Acceleration <br> <mark>Once they have successfully proved they have a viable business concept during the incubation programme Propella is able to provide support to the owners and managers of companies ready to growth their business to the next level.</mark> <p></p> The main offerings include: <br> a. Funding <br> Few financial institutions and venture capitalists in South Africa provide funding for new technology or early stage venture capital, as they are seen as high risk. <p></p> Successful Propella incubatees who have established the potential to develop a successful and sustainable business are assisted in applying to various funders. <p></p> Partnerships with other venture capital funds (Engeli Section 12J VCC and others) and financial institutions are among the options for start-up debt and equity funding. <p></p> Some start-ups may also qualify for BBBEE enterprise development funding grants or loans. <p></p> Propella also facilitates the creation of partnerships (like JV’s) with established companies. <p></p> b. Extended tenure <br> Space permitting, Propella may offer companies ready for commercialization the opportunity to continue making use of the Propella facilities and support structure.

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Share Zone

Share Zone is a platform aims to support startups, youth led organizations and creative projects in Darfur region – Sudan on how to start, grow, flourish and sustain in the long term <p></p> It’s a platform where young Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Volunteers and Artists could come to share their ideas, opinions and available instruments in collaborative way, while the platform provides them with co-work space and capacity building (including career development) opportunities, consultations, mentoring and analyzing of youth/business related data. <p></p> <mark>Incubation Zone <br> A businesses Incubator in which incubated youth startups and businesses in Darfur will be provided with knowledge and skills, co-working space, mentorship, networking and financial support opportunities in order to transform them into successful scalable businesses in the market. </mark> <p></p> Webinar Zone <br> Monthly influential masterclasses in Darfur by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship experts. With a mission to inspire the local entrepreneurs and to create mentor-ship networks for Darfuri entrepreneurs <p></p> Darfuria Mentoring Program <br> Darfuria Mentoring is a three-month program to develop the skills of young women through weekly mentoring sessions with female Sudanese entrepreneurs, accompanied by regular weekly training workshops on entrepreneurial and business skills, computing and information technology, Time management, CVs and application letters writing, communication skills, proposals writing and other skills required for starting their own businesses or finding better opportunities in the job market. <p></p> Darfuria targets all young women aged 20-25 in Darfur who want to start their business or develop their personal and career skills.

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South African Chemical Technology Incubator

The South African Chemical Technology Incubator is a not-for-profit business incubator, under the Small Enterprise Development Agency’s incubation program. <p></p> We are <mark>dedicated to supporting the growth of very early stage technology-based businesses in the South African Chemical sector.</mark> Chemin provides clients with an exceptional entrepreneurial business environment that promotes collaboration, innovation and encourages ingenuity as well the creation of wealth. <p></p> Chemin’s incubation program has assisted many entrepreneurs with developing ideas to profitable businesses. <mark>Our program provides an array of resources and services such as lab space, testing facilities, manufacturing equipment, office space, access to seed finance and collaboration with universities, industrial experts, financing agencies and other government departments.</mark>

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Fondation Jeunesse Numérique

The Fondation Jeunesse Numériqu's mission is to create an ecosystem that facilitates the initiatives of young digital entrepreneurs. The promotion of innovation and the development of start-ups in ICTs may ultimately have a significant impact on national economic development and on the quality of life of populations. <p></p> Mission <mark> <br> - Raising awareness among Ivorian youth about digital entrepreneurship <br> - Detect young people with innovative projects <br> - Support selected young entrepreneurs (training, coaching, provision of workspaces, mentoring, strategic relationships, assistance in finding funding) <br> - Contribute to the consolidation and improvement of the startup support ecosystem in Côte d'Ivoire</mark>

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Ghana Climate Innovation Center

The Ghana Climate Innovation Center (GCIC) is a cutting-edge national business incubator located in Ghana. The Centre is an institute of Ashesi University, one of the country’s premier tertiary institutions. The Centre was established in 2016 to support Ghanaian entrepreneurs and new ventures involved in developing profitable and locally appropriate solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation. <p></p> <mark>GCIC’s focus is on developing and growing green, profitable, and sustainable businesses, led by ethical leaders with critical thinking skills and a deep commitment to gender equality and social responsibility. </mark>GCIC is a disruptive force leading the efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change while driving Ghana’s economic growth. Our passionate, courageous, and dedicated team members and entrepreneurs are committed to the transition to a prosperous, inclusive low-carbon economy. Our commitment to our entrepreneurs is to develop and provide: <p></p> Holistic business and leadership training programs; Tailored portfolio management and support services, including financial grants; Access to global industry and financial experts in the following five sectors: climate smart agriculture, energy efficiency, solar power, water management, domestic waste management; and Influence the government policy sector to advance climate-smart policies and statutes. GCIC challenges the mindset of its entrepreneurs, cultivating and strengthening their focus on sustainable commercial success, but also their contribution to long-term implications of their activity in Ghana, Africa, and the world. We seek to drive inclusive interventions not only around the green economy but especially concerning women’s economic empowerment and financial inclusion. We see this focus as essential to building an economic powerhouse and a sustainable society in Ghana. <p></p>Our Vision <br> A centre of excellence, growing Ghana’s green economy through sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, and climate policy advocacy. <p></p>Our Mission <br> Our mission is to develop and support an exceptional set of transformational ventures and entrepreneurs who are pioneering adaptive and mitigating solutions for climate change issues in Ghana. <p></p>Our Values <br> - Curiosity: Persistently seeking knowledge by understanding ourselves and our environment. <br> - <mark>Innovation: GCIC was established to build and support local capacity among climate-smart SMEs to produce and manufacture locally adaptive innovative solutions to climate change mitigation and adaption. Innovation is at the core of what we do.</mark> <br> - Leadership: GCIC is part of Ashesi University whose mission is to raise ethical entrepreneurial leaders in Africa, leaders with critical thinking skills, concern for others, and the courage needed to transform the continent. We deemed that it was even more important to not only support enterprises with business tools and services, but also to support their leadership to be lateral and critical thinkers that have the capacity to lead enterprises that are solutions-based and transformational.

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​ WomHub is a boutique incubator and advisory firm supporting innovation along the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing) value chain, proving a holistic offering of business services tailored for female founders. The Incubator and Accelerator supports STEM innovation through providing both hackathons, venture building, virtual and in-person incubator and accelerator support. WomHub’s expertise is with female led innovation and working with female founders, however, it has run equally successful gender agnostic programmes as well. WomHub’s fit-for-purpose Hub in Johannesburg and Cape Town supports female led innovators and provides business support, eventing and co-working space. <p></p> <mark>Looking to accelerate your business and get investment ready? WomHub's Incubator & Accelerator programmes draws on our unique scale-up toolkit from business diagnostics, to venture clinics & investor readiness consulting to support your business. We also focus on the leadership capabilities of the founder to support ​your holistic growth</mark>

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Villgro Africa is an incubator and impact investor supporting emerging healthcare businesses in Africa. We offer emerging companies a personalised incubation experience to help effectively scale ideas and navigate the African startup ecosystem. <p></p> Our Services <br> <mark>Villgro Africa acts as a growth guide. We rely on our deep sector knowledge and vast partner network to help innovators realise their full business potential while providing needed healthcare innovations that benefit society as a whole.</mark> <p></p> Funding<br> Seed funding and access to impact investors. <p></p> Incubation<br> Customised support for emerging health businesses. <p></p> Advisory<br> Industry expertise in the African innovation space.

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Women in Tech Across Africa

Supporting Women in Tech Across Africa(WITA) to Positively to Impact their Communities Positively. WITA believes that women are equally capable of being at the forefront of technological development and advancement in Africa and the world at large. <p></p> Women in Tech Africa mission is 3 fold: <mark> <br> - Promoting the capabilities of an African woman achiever ( career/entrepreneurship) <br> - Raising today’s female leaders and role models for the next generation <br> - Ensure African growth through technology by bridging the digital divide </mark> <p></p> Women in Tech Africa is the largest group on the continent with membership across 30 countries globally with 12 Physical chapter in Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Germany, Ireland, Britain, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Cape Verde <p></p> Women in Tech Africa is also the 2018 recipient if the United Nations Equals Award for Leadership in the Women and Technology Space

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@iLabAfrica is a Centre of Excellence in ICT Innovation and Development at Strathmore University. The centre spearheads Research and Innovation in Information Communication Technology for the Development (ICT4D) of ecosystems towards the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to contribute toward Kenya’s Vision 2030. The research center is involved in interdisciplinary research, students’ engagement, collaboration with government, industry and other funding agencies. <p></p> <mark>@iLabAfrica is highly reputed for its creative innovations and numerous projects. Through these projects, we have helped improved efficiency and effectiveness for various organisations. We have worked with various organisations and governments and developed world class solutions for them.</mark> Some of the work we have done include:- <p></p> A.GOVERNMENT <br> In improving government amenities, @iLabAfrica has developed an award winning solution, CountyPro to remedy the difficulties county governments have been facing in collecting and managing revenue collection. The system has enabled the county governments to increase their revenue collection by up to 60%. <p></p> County Pro is a Solution centered on holistic e-Governance that enables citizens to easily access county government services online. This innovation by the Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre, allows Online application submissions, business process re-engineering, inter/intra departmental applications processing, workflow automation, electronic payments, digitized receipting and Electronic delivery of services, documents, certificates, permits and licenses. <p></p> The system is working efficiently in Kiambu, Taita Taveta and Busia counties. <p></p> B.HEALTH <br> @iLabAfrica has been intensively involved in various health projects and we have worked with various private organisations and Ministry of Health in Kenya who have made the progress of these projects a great success. The solutions have been implemented to eg. replace manual data recording of patient data and test results. <p></p> C.DATA VISUALIZATION <br> Strath­more Uni­ver­sity, through @iLabAfrica, has col­lab­or­at­ed with the Kenya National Bur­eau of Stat­ist­ics (KNBS) to make avail­able data and visu­al­iz­a­tions of key pub­lic­a­tions and select County Stat­ist­ical data. This has been made pos­sible through fund­ing from The World Bank. The data was in manual format but can now be accessed online through a portal in various formats from graphs to charts etc, which were designed by the @iLabAfrica team. <p></p> D.TECHNOLOGY <br> Our cli­ent list includes some of the largest soft­ware engin­eer­ing and tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions com­pan­ies in the world, you can rest assured that your product devel­op­ment endeavors are in good hands with @iLabA­frica We have worked with various organizations including Samsung, Kenya Law, Paulines Africa amongst others to develop various solutions for them.

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The Africa Blockchain Incubation

The Africa Blockchain Incubation Program is a four-month intensive program designed to help participants develop and launch their blockchain projects. Selected participants will receive training, mentorship, and resources to help bring their ideas to fruition. <br> - Access to a network of blockchain experts and mentors. <br> - Training sessions on blockchain technology and business/entrepreneurship. <br> - Opportunities to pitch to potential investors. <br> - Regular check-ins and progress reviews with program mentors. <p></p> Benefits of Registering for the Incubation Program <br> Selected participants will enjoy the following benefits which to help bring their ideas to fruition. <br> <mark>Blockchain Technology <br> Participants will be provided with overall insight into blockchain technology and connections with the industry. <p></p>Business Education <br> Participants will be provided with business knowledge, industry connections, and an introduction to investors. <p></p>Platform Support <br> Product development support from leading blockchain platform providers. </mark> <p></p>Business Support <br> Business development and entrepreneurship education support from business experts. <p></p>Business Guidance and Investor Access <br> Meetings with a group of highly successful entrepreneurs and investors with expertise in scaling high-tech startups. <p></p>Demo Day <br> The program concludes with a Demo Day providing startups the opportunity to pitch their business to investors, experts, and the Blockchain community.

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Sahel Green Hub

Sahel Green Hub is a circular economy Green Tech that promotes high-impact green innovations for the Sahel. <p></p>Sahel Green Hub aims to be a hub for research and of <mark>technological innovation for the development of agribusiness by providing Training Support, Incubation, Guidance, and Support-Advice for young project leaders in development.</mark>

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StartOpp Zone

StartOpp Zone, the place where everyone comes to start their ambitions. It connects to resources, tools and opportunities to support talent growth and promote innovation and stimulate creativity. <p></p> StartOpp Zone is a unique environment where technology startups can start up faster. <p></p> <mark>We nurture a local network of like-minded and focused entrepreneurs, providing space for them to work, meet, collaborate, learn and have fun. By getting the right people together in a physical space, good things happen.</mark> <p></p> StartOpp Zone is an expansion of a successful initiative that offers startups with a dedicated co-working space, community gathering point and network for driving entrepreneurial success. <p></p>StartOpp Zone provides young Chadians with a framework and opportunities for development that will enable them to create positive change, in several strategic areas, within their communities through the culture of leadership and Promoting entrepreneurship in young communities at their disposal a collaborative workspace and accessible special programs.

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Magharibi Innovation Hub

We dream of changing the world through innovative and practical solutions that embrace human values and above all business ethics. At MIH, we incubate thoughts and we do not shy away to be crazy about ideas, but we also focus on bringing to reality the products and services of our ecosystem by simplifying the entrepreneurship skills and training thinkers. <p></p>Entrepreneurship Training <br> Innovation in itself is incomplete without imparting the necessary skills to commercialize and monetize inventions. at MIH, we partner with great industry players for knowledge transfer to enable the innovator refine and polish their business skills. <p></p> <mark>Innovation Challenges <br> MIH challenge is for novel idea generation for budding entrepreneurs and innovators who come up with solutions that change the world and above all help the government and private sector in realizing the big four agenda. We intend to focus on health, manufacturing, agriculture and Art. </mark> <p></p> Code Kids <br> Exposing Kids on the basis of coding is a sure step in revolutionizing their thought process to be great thinkers, At MIH, early stage code training to young minds prepares the next thinkers for our ecosystem, we think about a conveyer belt of next startup champions.

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iZone Hub

We are a Zimbabwean entrepreneurship and innovation hub that offers pre-incubation and linkages programs. We serve small businesses, makers and creatives helping them develop their enterprises in the digital age. <mark>We focus on developing actual skills and building people who run self-sustainable businesses. The focal point is on pre-incubation, incubation and acceleration of business ideas. </mark> <p></p> Zone was started in 2015 emerging from the need to help people move from ideas to businesses. Our training programs are centred on developing actual skills and building people who run self-sustainable businesses. Enterprise development in the digital age is of great importance to us. <p></p> Vision <br> To support the development of sustainable enterprises that solve difficult and important community problems in the digital age. <p></p>Mission <br> Equipping people with the business development skills and tools they need to build sound, solution oriented businesses.

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8thGear Hub

We firmly believe in creating enterprises with a sustainable business strategy at our venture studio. At the beginning of the business and throughout its existence, we place a high priority on speaking with potential clients. Years of failing fast and failing forward to create thriving businesses have helped us identify the conditions required to increase the chances of an idea thriving. Our in-house team of experts is on standby ready to turn ideas into viable businesses. <mark> <br> - Concept Validation <br> - Market Research <br> - Product Management <br> - Go-To-Market <br> - Visual & UX Design <br> - Engineering <br> - Business Analytics <br> - Company Formation <br> - Finance <br> - Operations <br> - Legal & HR <br> - Recruiting </mark><p></p> How We Do It <br> A business's development is not a simple stroll in the park; it requires a great deal of grit, guts, and resources. It is a voyage that should not be attempted alone. That is why our team of professionals, who have traveled this path before, has devised a mechanism that works effectively to help ideas scale. <p></p>01 - Ideation<br> The idea could be ours or it could be yours.<br> When we come across a problem that we think is intriguing and significant, we dive right in, looking for long-term solutions. The idea could have come from us or from somebody else. However, when we sense a huge potential, we immediately get to work. <p></p>02 - Validation<br> Speaking with potential customers from the beginning to confirm assumptions.<br> To confirm that the problem is actually a problem for the identified customer segment and to learn how they want it solved, assumptions are tested and validated by regularly engaging with potential customers. <p></p><mark>03 - Creation<br> Fail fast Fail forward<br> We don't spend decades perfecting an MVP; we deploy as soon as possible. Taking real-time market lessons and making adjustments on the go. We will keep working on the idea, refining and adjusting it constantly while keeping the customers at the heart of our decisions.</mark> <p></p>04 - Spinout<br> We spin out once proof of concept is achieved.<br> Once we have a small group of raving fans who are willing to pay and spread the word through referrals. It is past time to turn these concepts into stand-alone enterprises. Our in-house legal, branding, and human resources experts get to work right away, spinning them off as distinct firms with a strong commercial framework. <p></p>05 - Scaleup<br> Scale the Fundamentals<br> We allow founders focus on the core of their value offerings. Ensuring that as these businesses grow and scale the team does not lose sight of the fundamentals while we make sure everyother part of the business is working as it should

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Makers and Leaders Hub (MALhub) is an open, serene and beautiful shared workspace for startups and entrepreneurs at a lower cost than they would spend on space of their own. The hub gives small businesses and ambitious entrepreneurs the platform to work and pursue their goals in a revolutionary smart way. <p></p> MALhub Relearn Program is a 3-month comprehensive, expert-led, Virtual training targeted at solving problems while leveraging technology. <p></p> <mark> Our Vision <br> To improve the ecosystem through the power of technology. <p></p> Our Mission <br> To foster Nigeria's economic growth by providing job for the youths. <p></p> Our Value <br> Inexpensive Workspace provision. Community Of Like-Minded Professionals. Programs & Activities for Developer. Job Creation. Cool Atmosphere. Collaboration. Dignity & Respect. </mark> A place to develop your dreams, we will love to have you here! <p></p> Co-Working Space <br> We provide inexpensive workspace where people meet, work, network, share ideas and collaborate on projects that can improve the ecosystem. <p></p>Incubation <br> We help new and startup companies to develop by providing services such as management training, co-creation work space and business support. <p></p>Ecosystem Development <br> We improve the economic status by empowering youth, develop new technologies, and expand job opportunities in the community. <p></p>ICT Training <br> We offer intensive ICT training on web development, graphics design, UI/UX, 3D animation, robotics, office management and more.

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nHub Foundation

nHub Foundation is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that works to enhance policy advocacy, gender inclusiveness, Technology for all, infrastructure/capacity building as regards Employability and Entrepreneurship, innovation and every aspect of social impact. <p></p> We have in place a comprehensive plan to equip you with practical skills and help you gain proficiency in various areas of ICT. Whether you are completely new to the world of ICT, or need to add an extra skill to your profile, we have tailor-made training services for all categories of learners. <p></p> Our training programs cover, but are not limited to Website design and development (in various languages and stacks), Mobile App development, Robotics, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Data Science and AI, Graphics Design and 3D Animation. <p></p> <mark> Innovation <br> We nurture young enterprising talents to discover and grow their creative prowess into proffering viable solutions to evolving challenges. <p></p> Community <br> Be part of Africa's fastest growing tech community leveraging on emerging technologies and data governance. <p></p> Growth <br> Equipping Africa's growing economy for sustainability through several impact-driven initiatives. </mark> <p></p> Our Vision <br> We have a vision of being the leading aggregator of sustainable ecosystems in Africa. We intend to empower a minimum of 5,000 youth within the next 3 years. <p></p> Our Key Principles <br> - Building on existing plans/programmes/strategies <br> - Enhancing communal/individual commitment and leadership <br> - Adherence to sustainable development principles <br> - Participation and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders <br> - Gender equality and inclusiveness <br> - Transparency and accountability

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Harmony Innovation Hub

Harmony Innovation Hub is your one stop shop to incubate and accelerate startup growth. Our purpose is to empower the Nigerian entrepreneur with the tools and resources to thrive while providing an enabling environment for fostering innovation. <p></p> At HIH, our goal is to get you from idea to market. We provide an accessible and an enabling environment through capacity building, community engagement events and an encompassing startup growth program to make this possible. <p></p> <mark>Individuals <br> - Capacity Building <br> - Co-working space <br> - Internships & Job Placements <p></p> Startups <br> - Incubation & Acceleration <br> - Startup School <br> - Growth Opportunities </mark> <p></p> Corporates <br> - Technology Delivery Factory <br> - Consultancy <br> - Events

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Impact Cove

We are more than a space. We are a community of entrepreneurs and professionals passionate about changing the world through ideas and innovation. Our community offers the best experiences and inspiration for members to increase productivity and explore new ways of solving small and big societal problems. <p></p> We recently rebranded to reflect our renewed commitment to building a thriving community of social entrepreneurs and change leaders. Through our programs, events and community initiatives, we seek to foster collaboration, leverage innovation and collective action as we empower emerging social change leaders and everyday citizens with resources to maximize social impact. <p></p> Social Impact Academy <br>Designed for emerging non-profit organization and leaders, SIA is a platform to equip social change makers with the tools and resources they need to make change happen. SIA is a capacity development and skills-building program for the social sector practitioners. Our training caters for a wide range of audience within the social sector, from emerging social entrepreneurs at the initial stage of their ideas, and those who have already tested and looking to scale. <p></p> OpenGov Social Impact Challenge <br>Open Gov Social Impact Challenge (OSIC) is a competition that seeks to identify practical, original and social impact ideas (especially those that promote open government, accountability and improved citizen engagement - broadly defined) promoted by emerging social entrepreneurs across Nigeria. Designed as a pilot, the program is presented as a platform that gives emerging social entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase their solutions and access some resources (mentorship, training, and workspace) and potentially funding. <p></p> Social Enterprenuer in Residence <br><mark>Our Social Entrepreneur in Residence program provide dedicated mentorship, guidance and support for our fellows and community members. With our extensive network of resources, we provide consistent support to help our community members navigate the challenges associate with starting and scaling a social enterprise. </mark>

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Tanzania AI Lab & Community

Tanzania AI Lab & Community aspires to empower anyone in Tanzania to access the potential of AI for the growth of themselves and the nation. We exist to bring together and connect those passionate in AI and social impact to work together in facing the challenges around us. <p></p> Our Mission <br> <mark>To build a strong AI community and ecosystem in Tanzania through knowledge, resources and experience sharing to address local challenges.</mark> <p></p> Our Vision <br> Become Africa’s leading AI learning lab and incubator to provide homegrown solutions to our challenges and contribute to the global advancement of AI.

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Buni Hub

Buni Hub is an innovation space in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania, the space accommodates preliminary stage startup companies. With a well established community of 400+ registered members annually, Buni Hub offers practical hands-on support programs to its registered members.<p></p> <mark>The programs include: <br>1. Buni Internship Program <br>2. Buni Mentoring Program <br>3. Buni Community Outreach Program <br>4. Buni Divaz (Ladies Community) </mark><p></p>The hub is also home to a mini fabrication lab for small scale production of electronic softwares and hardwares. The fabrication lab hosts a 'makers community' made up of in-house and registered tech enthusiasts.

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KmerTech is the Cameroonian network of support structures for innovative entrepreneurship and startups with the mission of promoting and enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem for a solid economy. <mark>It constitutes itself as the Cameroonian network of support structures for innovative entrepreneurship.</mark> Prepares the ecosystem for a better influence of innovative entrepreneurship in order to boost the digital economy.

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The Boris Bison Incubator programme will coach, train and mentor young entrepreneurs every 3 months, that will expose them to how the corporate environment works, with good corporate governance, project management, while learning best business practices. The programme will help participants develop a business plan, understand business policies that create successful enterprise. The programme will train participants on how to use the internet to grow their business with proper commercial correspondence and communication skills, using modern payment gateways for faster business transaction, and how to get loans to facilitate their business. <p></p> <mark>Ideation <br> - Ideation workshops, Masterclasses, Co-working spaces, Newsletters, Events/Networking, Ecosystem Access <p></p> Build and Grow <br> - Tech-enablement, Workshops on a variety of topics or to accelerate business growth, Online learning, Mentorship <p></p> Grow and Scale <br> - Mentorship, Preparation for funding, access to specialised skills </mark>

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IDEA App - Guinea Bissau

IDEA App is a series of online incubation and mentoring programs created to make sure that thousands of early-stage entrepreneurs build their capacity and create viable enterprises in their regions, especially youth and women. <mark>IDEA App supports entrepreneurs from Guinea Bissau to turn this around by creating innovative solutions that can boost, protect or scale the most relevant value chains in the country while generating new decent job opportunities. </mark> <p></p> How does the model work? <br> - UNIDO set three IDEA Centers as implementation partners and undergo a “Training of Trainers” program to build their entrepreneurship program management and incubation capacity. The training consisted of 6 sessions covering topics from creating a mentors network to mastering the IDEA App platform to facilitating best practices. <br> - Bridge for Billions co-manages the entrepreneurship program with the three IDEA Centers in Guinea Bissau: Agência Nacional do Empreendedorismo Juvenil (ANEJ), Innovalab and Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) <br> - All program partners select altogether 60 entrepreneurs from Guinea Bissau and over 80 local and international mentors to participate in the IDEA App program. All of them are trained and onboarded during Kickoff Day. <br> - <mark>As part of the program, all founders access structured guidance in 8 business tools, constant support from the incubation management team, personalized weekly mentorship, and a global community of founders, workshops, and sectorial resources. Internet and tablets are provided to the IDEA Centers by UNIDO to ensure all participants have the necessary tools to undergo the training.</mark> <br> - Agência Nacional do Empreendedorismo Juvenil (ANEJ), Innovalab and Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) provide local support and knowledge to the founders, additional in-person workshops and resources, and physical space for founders to work from. <br> - Entrepreneurs work in teams to develop their businesses while working weekly with volunteer mentors through the IDEA App platform. The five best and most impactful projects will receive up to €5,000 in funding.

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InnovaLab (a social entreprise) founded by young Bissau-Guinean engineers, financiers, and managers and is the pioneer innovation accelerator in Guinea-Bissau. Innovalab fosters entrepreneurial ecosystem development and creates social impact by supporting venture creation and entrepreneurship in the following sectors: education, agriculture, healthcare and infrastructure. ​ <p></p> <mark>Through in person and online (web and radio) mentoring activities, as well as OpenLabs, Forums, TechCamps, Hackathon and Bootcamps, we inspire and empower Guinea-Bissau entrepreneurs to solve their immediate socio-economic challenges by leveraging and providing access to technology, resources and stakeholder networks. Our objective is to achieve sustainable development in Africa, starting in Guinea Bissau, by fostering innovation among the youth. </mark><p></p> Our mission is to spur innovation, develop new technologies, and expand job opportunities across Africa. <p></p> OUR FOCUS<br> We fuel economic development by playing a major role in Guinea-Bissau's innovation ecosystem: a network of established public- and private-sector organizations, all working together to spur innovation, develop new technologies, and expand job opportunities.

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Kosmos Innovation Center

Each Kosmos Innovation Center program is driven by local staff and private sector experts, resulting in a distinctive focus on commercial solutions and local knowledge. Our customized, best-in-class <mark>business support programs feature a mix of skills training, mentorship and seed funding.</mark> <p></p> Our Kosmos Innovation Center programs are structured to allow young entrepreneurs to create opportunities for themselves, by <mark>fine-tuning their ideas into a business focused on solving key problems in the agricultural sector.</mark>

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GHATBI provides an incubator services platform exclusively in the agro-processing and technology sector that identifies, invests, nurtures and grows micro and SMEs in high-growth, high-impact, business-to-consumer (B2C) opportunities. It is the first incubator group of its kind in the Western Region of Ghana and currently has active portfolio companies under management in the health, wellness, beauty and organic fruit juice processing industries. <p></p> <mark>GHATBI invests in and supports agro businesses that meet at least one or more of the below highlighted criteria: <br> - Women-led and/or women-owned <br> - Value-add to raw materials for domestic consumption <br> - Alleviates youth unemployment, spurs job creation <br> - Skills development, skills transfer </mark> <p></p> GHATBI purchases equity stakes in all portfolio businesses in exchange for investing seed capital and providing management support. While the incubator has an initial “Made in Takoradi” theme with the city’s 500,000+ population, selective opportunities in the Greater Accra region and northern city of Tamale will also be considered for investment and support. Priority will be given to Accra and Tamale ventures that help portfolio companies integrate into other parts of their respective value chains.

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BIC Ethiopia

BIC Ethiopia, funded by the EU, aims at capacitating business incubators in supporting agri-tech and agri-business start-ups and MSMEs to improve market access, generate higher income and create jobs. <p></p> BIC Ethiopia will <mark>enable existing and new incubators supporting high potential start-ups with an innovative business model addressing market needs and potential in terms of job creation and income generation, and enhance business incubators’ ability to unlock the potential of agri-tech and agri-business by delivering the necessary tools to enable business growth along different stages of maturity.</mark> <p></p> The BIC Ethiopia project will be implemented by sequa gGmbH (lead), Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, adelphi gGmbH, Growth Africa, ice Hawassa and Stiftung Menschen für Menschen. The project will run until January 2026. <p></p> BIC Ethiopia is part of BIC Africa. BIC Africa is a regional network that aims to support selected business incubators (BIs). It facilitates capacity building, helps BIs benefit from the exchanges and cooperation with other initiatives, improves the connection between European and African innovation hubs to develop international collaboration, explores business opportunities with European companies, and ensures the quality standards are respected in all supported incubators. <p></p> BIC Africa is commissioned by the European Union and implemented by EBN. The project will run from 2021 to 2025. <p></p> Our objectives <br>– Set up a Europe-Africa Coordination Office & Regional Network <br>– Better connection and synergies between actors of the regional ecosystem <br>– Build the capacity of local Business Incubators and their client companies <br>– Improved understanding of the state-of-the-art of the business incubation <br>– Establishing and reinforcing a quality label for African business support organisations <br>– Build a committee of experts overseeing the creation of a certification system <br>– Communication, dissemination and outreach activities to create a strong brand for the Regional Network <p></p> Our mission <br> Successful start-ups and small companies, need equally strong business support actors to achieve their goals. EACO facilitates the activities of BIC Africa in Angola, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Somalia. <mark>We work to stimulate knowledge sharing among the wider incubation ecosystem for business incubators to benefit from cooperation with other initiatives, collaborations between innovation hubs, and shared business opportunities in Europe and Africa.</mark> <p></p> Our Services <p></p> Facilitation<br> Facilitate capacity-building. <p></p> Make a better connection<br> Make a better connection between European and African innovation hubs to develop intercontinental collaboration. <p></p> Awareness Rising<br> Raise awareness about the needs and challenges faced by incubators and advise decision-makers. <p></p> Quality Certification Label<br> Establish or reinforce a quality label for African incubators and ensure that quality standards are respected in all supported incubators. <p></p> Explore Business Opportunities<br> Explore business and public/private investment opportunities with local and European initiatives and companies. <p></p> Exchanges and Cooperation<br> Help you to benefit from exchanges and cooperation with other initiatives.