Sahel Green Hub - school image
Sahel Green Hub

Sahel Green Hub is a circular economy Green Tech that promotes high-impact green innovations for the Sahel. <p></p>Sahel Green Hub aims to be a hub for research and of <mark>technological innovation for the development of agribusiness by providing Training Support, Incubation, Guidance, and Support-Advice for young project leaders in development.</mark>

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StartOpp Zone

StartOpp Zone, the place where everyone comes to start their ambitions. It connects to resources, tools and opportunities to support talent growth and promote innovation and stimulate creativity. <p></p> StartOpp Zone is a unique environment where technology startups can start up faster. <p></p> <mark>We nurture a local network of like-minded and focused entrepreneurs, providing space for them to work, meet, collaborate, learn and have fun. By getting the right people together in a physical space, good things happen.</mark> <p></p> StartOpp Zone is an expansion of a successful initiative that offers startups with a dedicated co-working space, community gathering point and network for driving entrepreneurial success. <p></p>StartOpp Zone provides young Chadians with a framework and opportunities for development that will enable them to create positive change, in several strategic areas, within their communities through the culture of leadership and Promoting entrepreneurship in young communities at their disposal a collaborative workspace and accessible special programs.

The Ucac-Icam Institute - school image
The Ucac-Icam Institute

Scientific and technical branch of the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC). Created in 2002 in Pointe Noire (Congo) for the 1st cycle; and in 2004 (Douala) for the 2nd cycle. Courses: General Engineers by work-study program, Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Development, Professional Bachelor's degree in Petroleum, Master's in Process Engineering and Sustainable Development (new) and Manager of Information Systems (Computer Engineer). <p></p> The IT department of the Ucac-Icam Institute is made for you. <p></p> Why? <br> - Pedagogy is completely innovative in Cameroon. You will be placed in real business situations in order to develop the skills you will need in your professional life; <br> - Based on the PBL learning method (problem based learning), you are taught to learn and acquire the techniques, methods and professional behaviors of a good computer scientist; <br> - You are accompanied individually to help you define your professional project and progress at your own pace. Personalized follow-up interviews guide you in the development of this project; <mark><br> - The school's equipped laboratory immerses you in a high-tech environment allowing you to progress and prepare for your professional career in the best possible conditions</mark>; <br> - Finally, certifications that will help you improve in your field are included in the cost of training.

WenakLabs - school image

WenakLabs is both, a Media Lab and a Tech Hub. We define ourselves as a space of collective intelligence and social innovation. Within WenakLabs, we defend a horizontal and transparent way of working, while involving citizens in solving the problems they encounter in their daily lives. It brings together multiple skills ranging from journalists, bloggers, computer scientists, managers, innovators to geeks of all kinds. Our goal is to contribute by all means to reduce the digital divide in Chad. We also object to <mark>promoting entrepreneurial culture, relying on ICT. We intend to achieve these objectives through training, incubation, and networking programs.</mark>

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Chad Innovation

Chad Innovation represents a community of young volunteers, Chadians and foreigners, entrepreneurs, executives, students whose objective is to raise awareness, mobilize, engage and equip young Chadians to learn and explore careers in entrepreneurship to build a resilient generation. young Chadian leaders. <p></p> Incubator<br> A collaborative <mark>workspace that will allow young people to incubate their ideas and turn them into businesses</mark>. A hub for workshops, conferences, case studies and peer-to-peer sessions related to smart technology, business, society and infrastructure. <p></p> Crowdfunding<br> The organization of a major conference on participatory financing before the launch of the first participatory financing platform or "crowdfunding" in Chad. A means that will be used to finance young projects and to build a community of "business Angels" or pool of investors; <p></p> Coaching<br> The establishment of a mentoring system that will coach young people on real business projects and will also give the opportunity to any young executive to undertake through coaching sessions on concrete projects that he will entrust to young talents selected by the incubator; <p></p> Drivers<br> The launches of a few pilot programs <mark>(Hackathon, Bootcamp, training sessions, experimental Learning)</mark>

Emi Koussi University - school image
Emi Koussi University

The purpose of the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science training is to give students with a scientific baccalaureate a solid culture in computer science closely associated with mathematics, but also a culture allowing them to have the <mark>transversal knowledge necessary for computer science.</mark>

University of Moundou - school image
University of Moundou

The University of Moundou Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science is a broad-based program that emphasizes the areas of computer <mark>programming languages, data structures, information systems, theory of programming languages, software engineering, networking, database, multimedia, applications of computer science and computer architecture.</mark>

University of N'Djamena - school image
University of N'Djamena

The IT department offers a range of training courses that are available in Bachelor's and Master's degrees and which allow students to <mark>acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in IT.</mark> <p></p>The IT department offers undergraduate and master's degree courses. The purpose of the License in Computer Science training is to give students with a scientific baccalaureate a solid culture in computer science closely associated with mathematics, but also a culture allowing them to have the transversal knowledge necessary for computer science. The Master's in Computer Science aims to train computer scientists who, at the end of their training, must be very versatile and directly operational in companies or register for a doctoral thesis.