Co-working Space

The 1st coworking space in Francophone Africa among 700 world pioneers to undertake and innovate differently: together!

Jokkolabs is about collaborative innovation, networking and research

To innovate, it is essential to have the ability to establish exchanges and collaborations in confidence. Beyond that, innovation arises from diversity: from the crossroads of knowledge, practices, sectors, styles, generations, know-how and interpersonal skills. We promote - through our programs, new combinations to contribute to the emergence of a new society, new ideas and new opportunities that meet the needs of a globalized and interconnected world. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thought that we used when we created them. A.Einstein

We are constantly listening to the market and societal needs to encourage entrepreneurs to challenge the "status quo", find new paths... Our approach actively involves people and communities in the search for solutions to invent a world better.